I had a blast at my friend Caitlyn’s DOCTOR WHO-themed wedding! Custom cake toppers, a robot ring bearer, and Doctor Who-themed wedding music really was the TARDIS on top of the ceremony.

Photo courtesy of Sufia Huq Photography
For those of you who aren’t familiar with what a TARDIS is (I wasn’t until recently!), it’s a police telephone box that acts as a time machine in the series. The acronym stands for “Time And Relative Dimension In Space.”
Caitlyn gave me a little bit of a rundown before the wedding, and it all came together for the ceremony!
I embarked on my just-over-an-hour drive to beautiful Cape Canaveral last weekend. The destination? Manatee Sanctuary Park. I was a little worried about the outdoor wedding with all this Florida rain we’ve experienced in the past few weeks. It’s rained around the same time every day at lunch time, and then again just before we get out of work in the evening. But there wasn’t a raindrop in sight that day!
The roads were clear, the sky was blue with just enough clouds that the sun wasn’t blinding, and I was surrounded by trees. It looked like a tunnel of big, beautiful, green trees.
The Wedding
Once I arrived, I took in the beautiful sites. It was HOT, but I still couldn’t complain! The wedding ceremony took place on a nice dock overlooking water. It was a quaint wedding, with a few people I knew from working at Universal (Diagon Alley) and from college.
As we sat in the dock pews, Doctor Who-themed music played. The woman who married the couple gave a beautiful speech. Caitlyn wore a flowy white dress with lace details on the upper torso and white, high-top Converse sneakers. Most of her outfit complemented that of the Doctor Who TARDIS/navy blue color with a blue band around the waist of her wedding dress, blue tips on her manicure, and a small, blue bow in her hair. Josh wore a navy suit with pinstripes, a maroon tie, and maroon high-top Converse sneakers to mirror the Tenth Doctor character.
Then we heard something stomping on the dock. BA BUM. It’s gliding. BA BUM. It’s coming closer. BA BUM. Cue the robot ring bearer.
Caitlyn and Josh met someone who made a real-life, working robotic canine named K-9, another Doctor Who character. They met at MegaCon, told the guy about their wedding, and the guy brought K-9 to the ceremony, carrying their rings. Pretty creative!

Caitlyn’s family and Josh’s family were all so happy for the couple. Almost every speech revolved around how happy they are to have Caitlyn in the family and how they know she’s the best girl for Josh. I struggled to hold back the tears because I’m a huge sap at weddings! I didn’t bring tissues this time. But I brought my feelings.
Doctor Who-Themed Wedding Cake
A TARDIS sat atop the wedding cake, with cascading flowers and Funko Pop! figures! Caitlyn customized her Pop! figure, combining Rose Tyler from Doctor Who with Bella Swan from Twilight. Josh’s figure was the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. I wasn’t too familiar with the characters, but I know a little more about the show now!
Dance, Dance
Caitlyn and Josh choreographed their first dance to Guster’s “Satellite.” They even sang to each other during the reception! It was pretty romantic.
Wedding Gifts
In case you’re wondering what to buy for a wedding gift…a nice piece of decorative glassware is a solid choice (pun intended). I bought a decorative vase from HomeGoods and customized a card with Shutterfly.
The inside of the card displayed a photo of Caitlyn and Josh in a TARDIS with the words, “A match made in TARDIS.” I slipped in a little surprise in the vase so the couple could enjoy a night out in August! (Kudos to dad for the awesome idea).
I wasn’t sure what to expect at this Doctor Who-themed wedding, but Caitlyn and Josh really went all out with the theme! The family really worked together to make this memorable for the couple and the guests. It was a great wedding and a day to remember!
Congrats to Caitlyn & Josh Wilson!!!
July 15, 2017