Butterfly Flower Nectar Florida - Enjoy outdoor nature - Twentysomething Vision

Enjoy Outdoor Nature – Unplug, Appreciate

I peered up from my computer and spent my lunch break away from the office to enjoy outdoor nature with just my camera, no other technology. It’s nice to unplug and appreciate the little things right outside our doors.

It’s very corporate and very cold in the business areas of downtown Orlando. There are beautiful swans, ducks, trees and a huge lake further down, but it’s too hot to walk there at lunch, in 95 degree weather. That’s 30 minutes to and from the lake! Crank up the mini office fan.

So I soak up every bit of nearby nature when I find it. It could be butterflies, bees, flowers, or even squirrels. I love any outdoor plant, creature or insect that moves – excluding spiders and cockroaches, of course.

Capture Nature

Here’s a photo gallery of some of my favorite moments. Check out the close-up photos. Increase your browser zoom (control + on Windows, command + on Mac) or pinch to zoom on your mobile device for even more detail.

Florida Butterfly Twentysomething Vision
Florida passion butterfly
Florida Bee Twentysomething Vision
He’s a bzzzy guy.
Twentysomething Vision Glowing Blue Bug Florida
Glowing blue critter. Don’t bug him.
Twentysomething Vision Florida Butterfly
Fluttering passion butterfly.
Butterfly Wings in Florida Twentysomething Vision
Beautiful butterfly wings
Butterfly Flower Nectar Florida Twentysomething Vision
Butterfly exercising its flower power.
Bee Flower Nectar Twentysomething Vision
He’ll bee-t you at any game.
Butterflies Playing In Florida Twentysomething Vision
Butterflies fluttering and flirting.

Enjoy Outdoor Nature

I see these butterflies all the time on my breaks. They’re called Gulf fritillary, also known as “passion butterfly.” They always seem to fly around sporadically. But as soon as I stepped outside with my camera and a purpose, I quickly learned the butterflies have a flying pattern.

They’re not flying around aimlessly to show off their pretty wings. They’re searching for flowers to pick and butterflies to charm. I quickly learned where they hang out (which trees and bushes entice them), and which angles are best to shoot them. I also learned which flowers are their favorite! That helped me position myself and predict where they would land next so I didn’t lose them.

I also found a few bees nearby. They minded their own bzzness as they flew from flower to flower.

It was a breath of fresh air to get away from my computer screen and enjoy outdoor nature. I encourage you to go outside and find the beauty in something today! Whether it’s visually appealing, emotionally moving, or consciously mind-boggling (i.e. how wasps build nests – shout out to those hard-working females!), there’s a lot out there worth exploring.

Let me know if you come across something interesting. I’d love to hear about it!

~Twentysomething Vision


6 thoughts on “Enjoy Outdoor Nature – Unplug, Appreciate

    1. Thanks so much for checking it out, Emily! Butterflies are so beautiful and detailed. It’s nice to pause and admire them.

  1. Enjoyed this read during my lunch break, I LOVE butterflies; It actually made me want to go outside, but I left my jacket and its a bit nippy here in the “O” today……….but there’s always tomorrow.

    1. I hear ya, Melissa! It was freezing today! I think the weather is perfect when it’s chilly and sunny. Go out and appreciate those butterflies you love when the sun returns later this week! 🙂 It’s a nice break from the screen time. Let me know if you see anything interesting!

    1. Hey Nikki, thank you for checking out the post and sharing your thoughts! It’s nice to take the time to appreciate the little details. I hope you’re able to enjoy some nature by you. 🙂

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