The Minimalists Less Is Now Tour

The Minimalists: Less is Now in Tampa, FL

Back in November 2017, I went to an inspiring, live show in Tampa, FL featuring the Minimalists. Who are the Minimalists? Just two, laid-back guys named Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus who think “just in case” are the three most dangerous words. Joshua and Ryan grew up together, and now they share their stories in living more fulfilling lives with less clutter and less stuff. That word “stuff” is one of…Continue reading The Minimalists: Less is Now in Tampa, FL

Organize Clothing In Closet - Minimizing

Minimize: Declutter a few items at a time

FALL into a great habit this season: get rid of physical and mental clutter. Clear your space and your mind. You’ve heard it before: declutter, minimize, get rid of what you don’t need, etc. Kudos to those ideas. However, we know it’s NOT that easy. Not even close. Sometimes it can even feel unreachable. I’m here to simplify this for you by sharing a minimizing challenge. Thanks to the Minimalists…Continue reading Minimize: Declutter a few items at a time