Power of symbols article

That Time When Authorities Questioned My Newspaper Article

I sat in the college community living office, waiting to be questioned…Campus authorities called me in to question me about an article I planned to write for the college newspaper. I was 21 years old, it was my last semester of college, and I was the newspaper’s co-editor in chief. Just a week prior, a student hung a Swastika flag in his dorm window during a sensitive time – the…Continue reading That Time When Authorities Questioned My Newspaper Article

SEO search engine optimization

SEO: From foreign phrase to Google’s first page

Google receives more than 100 billion searches a month (Source: Mashable, 2015). Among these searches, writers, business owners, and companies try to land on that coveted first page using something called SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which puts in a good word with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to rank us so people can discover our business, our blog, and our words. To me, “SEO” always sounded like a foreign,…Continue reading SEO: From foreign phrase to Google’s first page

Father's Day Twentysomething Vision

Shout Out to My Dad – A Father’s Day Parody

Okay, okay. I’ve got a little bragging to do this Father’s Day. My dad is pretty AMAZING. He raised me himself since I was a wee baby and he was a young lad. He never spilled pancake batter, and he never covered the kitchen in powder and grease, like many of those t.v. dads do. Talk about breaking stereotypes!     We had a GREAT Father’s Day this weekend. We…Continue reading Shout Out to My Dad – A Father’s Day Parody

Roaring Twenties Out of Focus

The Roaring Twenties: Finding a Focus

Hello there. I’ve been MIA for a couple months now because I’ve been traveling throughout the country, finding my focus. Now I’ve got stories full of sneaking into shows to see Elvis. I’ve got photos of birds growing up from fuzzy baby ducklings to annoyingly greedy adult ducks. I’ve sampled foods from some great places downtown, learned to cook deep dish pizza, and survived a 4×4 monster truck swamp ride. But…Continue reading The Roaring Twenties: Finding a Focus

Deadlines Hourglass Clock

Deadlines: Motivate, don’t procrastinate

It’s a good thing there’s one extra day in February this year; it’s a great time to squeeze in those last minute deadlines. Don’t get me wrong; I am all about meeting and exceeding deadlines. Submitting work early, proofreading it more times than I can count on two hands, and knowing that I’ve given it my all is very rewarding. Tonight I needed to meet my own deadline. A personal deadline. A…Continue reading Deadlines: Motivate, don’t procrastinate